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Personal Injury

  • Auto Accidents / Truck Collisions
  • Slip and Fall / Negligence Maintenance of Property
  • Jones Act
  • Medical Malpractice

Personal injury accidents occur through the negligent action or inaction of another person or group. Personal injury encompasses a broad range of cases, from dangerous prescription drugs to car crashes. Any case in which one person is hurt by another person’s or company’s negligent or wrongful action (or inaction) may be considered personal injury. Most personal injuries include physical, emotional, and financial hardships. If you or a family member has been the victim of personal injury, our lawyers can help you get the compensation you deserve.

Personal injury is a very broad legal term; it includes narrowly focused areas of a legal practice, such as medical malpractice (by a physician who breaches a standard of care) to types of cases that are common place, such as slip and fall cases and auto accidents. The key in all areas of personal injury is some type of negligence by an actor or agent falls below the accepted norms of our society or basic common sense.